How RoamCareers works
Find the Right Talent and Simplify Your Hiring
Whether you’re a local company or hiring remotely from abroad, RoamCareers makes the process easy. From job posting to full employment management, we handle it all.
Post Your Job
Create a job post that matches your needs. Whether you’re looking for local talent or remote professionals, our platform connects you with qualified candidates who are ready to work.
Review and Select Candidates
Browse through applications, review resumes, and pick the candidates that best fit your business. Our platform makes it easy to manage and evaluate responses.
We Employ and Manage for you
Hire your candidates yourself or let us handle all the work. For foreign companies hiring internationally, we take care of all employment details-payroll, benefits, and compliance-so you can focus on your business without the administrative burden.
Grow your team
Onboard your new hires and start working with them right away. We ensure smooth and seamless process for both local and remote hires, so you can concentrate on your business goals.
Welcome to RoamCareers.
Once you’ve purchased the right Employer of Record plan for your business, you’ll sign a Simplified Agreement to lock in your Early Bird Benefits. This agreement will outline our responsibilities and ensure a smooth start. The Simplified Agreement will be sent upon payment via email and requires an electronic signature. After the platform launch, a full Master Service Agreement (MSA) will be signed, covering all the details of our long-term partnership.
Benefits of hiring in Central and Eastern Europe
Discover the Cost-Savings and Other Benefits of Hiring in Central and Eastern Europe
Save on costs without sacrificing quality by tapping into the talented and motivated professionals from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and beyond.
Lower Wages, High Quality
On average, wages in Central and Eastern Europe are up to 50% lower compared to Western Europe and the U.S., allowing you to build a cost-effective team without compromising on skills or experience.
Favorable Cost of Living
A lower cost of living in the region means professionals can maintain a high quality of life, even at lower salary levels, making the regional ideal for finding motivated talented workers.
No Compromise on Education and Expertise
Thanks to a strong public education system, including free university education, and international exposure through both international education programs, such as Erasmus, and high presence of foreign companies, professionals in Central and Eastern Europe are well-prepared to work with international companies.
The General Benefits of Remote Work
Remote work doesn’t just save on operational costs-it also improves the lives of your employees. By lowering overhead costs like office space, you gain leaner operation. Studies show that remote workers are more motivated and productive, with a 22% improvement in happiness and a 13% boost in productivity.
Local Law, Customs, and Work Ethic Guides
Looking to understand more about hiring in our region? Download our one-page guides to learn about local employment laws, work customs, and cultural work ethics for each country we are currently operating in.